展览项目 • 周硕瑛与黎梓鹏双人联展

EXHIBITION : Hua Yu , 2021

2021年上海油罐艺术中心举办的野餐艺术节PicnicArtFestivall中,举办周硕瑛与黎姊与zipeng的双人联展「Hua yu」。呈现「阴阳」与「十二花神赋」的摄影书原作,共同呈现关于浪漫的异想世界。并推出「流动衣上展览」联名限定服饰。


Zhou Shuoying’s YIN-YANG is a long-term still life series launched in 2017 and still in progress.
Employing cheap everyday objects—vegetables, flowers, street foods, and fruits—Zhou accumulates and distills into her unique Oriental and reserved visual language. The works of her observation out of instinct examine and question the issues of sexuality and gender.


「十二花神赋」是艺术指导Zipeng Li在造梦的工作日常里的能量积蓄。十二月份引申为十二个花神,指引关于人性朝生暮死荒诞又真实的航路,也记录着Zipeng探索更多时尚形态中的蓬勃生命力。

“THE LUNAR FLORAS” is Art Director Zipeng Li’s energy accumulation through the daily work of dream-making.
The 12 months of the lunar years are derived into 12 floras deities to guide people through the brief, bizarre, yet real course of life, while also chronicling robust vitality of Zipeng’s exploration for more possibilities of fashion,beauty and art.

Special Cooperation Project



除了固定展位,我们还特别推出了「日常浪漫,流动的衣上展览 」概念的的合作系列限定发售;
设计师Zipeng曾在伦敦圣马丁 Fashion design with print ,四年中专攻面料研发与设计。

在年轻的创作力量汇聚的这个场合之中,我们的作品被印放在环保纸包袋/ 衬衣之上,穿着者作为一个个移动媒介把作品穿着在身上,像播撒开的蒲公英,在人群中组成一个个移动的小展览,成为装点日常的小小闪亮。

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